Youth Camera Action: School to Prison Pipeline

Take advantage of the NYCLU’s new project,
Youth Camera Action: School to Prison Pipeline
About the Project:
In the summer of 2007, the New York Civil Liberties Union partnered with
youth from three community organizations – Future of Tomorrow, Make
the Road New York and Youth on the Move – to produce three short
documentaries on student experiences with the over-policing of New York
City schools and the School to Prison Pipeline. The NYCLU supported the
youth in creating their own videos using their own words and footage.
For more information and to request a free Youth Camera Action DVD and
School to Prison Pipeline Toolkit, email
or call 212-607-3388.

Chase Multimedia in the Classroom Awards Competition

Thirteen/WNET & WLIW21
Teaching & Learning Celebration
Chase Multimedia in the Classroom Awards Competition

The Multimedia in the Classroom award, sponsored by Chase, celebrates
the achievements of teachers and students who are transforming learning
environments through technology. Projects should be a collaboration
between teachers and students, focusing on improving learning through
creative uses of technology in the K-12 curriculum in science and global
awareness. The competition is open to K-12 teachers and students in
public and non-public schools in the tri-state area. The top 10 schools
will each receive a cash prize of $1,000, a Chase award trophy, full
free access admission to the Teaching & Learning Celebration, and free
Teaching & Learning Celebration tee shirts.
Entries must be postmarked no later than January 11, 2008 to be

Full details and entry form will be available online after November 5th
at or

True Star and Walgreens $1,000 Scholarship

True Star Magazine and Walgreens have teamed up to execute the
Walgreens Expression Against AIDS Art & Literacy Contest. Youth in
grades 9 through 12 are asked to submit essays, poetry, art and
photography to express how they would combat HIV and AIDS in the
urban community.
The art or literature must focus on the following
areas: sexual responsibility, awareness and/or respect. One winner
from each category will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship courtesy of
Walgreens and be profiled in True Star Magazine. Enter online or by
mail. Contest ends December 15th, so act now!
Please pass this along to all high school students, educators, etc.
More details attached or visit

MNN Youth Channel: Teach the Teachers! Mind over Media

Mind over Media: Who’s In Control?
Wednesday, Nov. 7th from 5-7PM

Join Youth Channel on November 7th from 5-7PM in the MNN Open Studio (537 W. 59th btw. 10th & 11th Ave.) as we share our Media Literacy curriculum and lead an inspiring forum on new ideas & methods for media education. Free curriculum and resources available for all in attendance! Gain helpful insight from a youth perspective on effective means of incorporating media literacy into the classroom. Please rsvp to or for more information contact our Education Coordinator Isabel at 212-757-2670 ext. 320.

MTV Networks/ Metacafe: Virtual Music Video Contest

MTV Networks Virtual Worlds and Metacafe are hosting a Virtual Music Video
Contest calling on aspiring directors to create their own music videos.

Users can utilize up-and-coming bands’ audio tracks, video clips and online
editing tools found on MTV’s Virtual World Channel on Metacafe. Submissions
will be ranked by users initially, then a panel of MTV judges will choose
the winner among the top 10 finalists.

Sam’s Club Offers Study Grants for Teachers to Visit Fair

Deadline: December 15, 2007
As part of the launch of its new fair-trade-certified coffee, warehouse retailer Sam’s Club ( ) has joined coffee roaster Cafe Bom Dia and TransFair USA ( ) to offer a weeklong
summer 2008 study grant opportunity for junior high and high school teachers interested in teaching about fair trade.

Teachers are invited to enter the national essay contest and apply to win one of ten expenses-paid trips to visit fair-trade cooperatives, farms, and communities in Brazil next summer.
Study grants will be awarded to teachers who express exceptional ideas to educate students on the economic, social, and business lessons surrounding fair trade.
The study grant competition is open to full-time junior high and high school teachers (seventh grade and up) from public or private institutions who can reasonably expect to teach at least
fifteen hours a week during the 2008-09 school year and dedicate at least five lessons to topics related to fair trade. Winners are expected to travel to Brazil, July 20-26, 2008, and integrate
that trip into fair trade lessons during the 2008-09 school year.
Program details are available at the Sam’s Club Web site.
RFP Link:
For additional RFPs in Education, visit:

Long-Time Activists of Color Invited to Apply for Sabbatical Program

Deadline: December 15, 2007
The Alston/Bannerman Fellowship Program is committed to advancing
progressive social change by helping to sustain long-time activists of

The program honors those who have devoted their lives to helping their communities organize for racial, social, economic, and environmental justice, and provides resources for these organizers to take sabbaticals for reflection and renewal.
To qualify for an Alston/Bannerman Fellowship, applicants must be a person of color; have more than ten years of community organizing experience; be committed to continuing to work for social change; and live in the United States or its territories. Both full-time and volunteer activists are eligible to apply.
Fellows receive a $25,000 award to take sabbaticals of three months or more.
Fellows are expected to stop their day-to-day work activities for at least three months and devote that time to activities that are substantially different from their normal routine. Fellows have the freedom to use their sabbaticals however they think will best re-energize them for the work ahead. Past fellows have used the time and resources to travel, study, visit with other activists, read, relax, acquire new skills, explore new interests, spend time with their families, restore their health, plan, evaluate, and “just be still.”
Visit the program’s Web site for complete program details.
RFP Link:
For additional RFPs in Philanthropy and Voluntarism, visit:

GLSEN Student of Color Organizing Conference

GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network is pleased to announce our fifth Student of Color Organizing Conference to be held on January 18th – January 21st 2008 in Atlanta. The Students of Color Organizing (SOCO) Conference, which has been held for the past four years, is one of the most important components of our student organizing work. This event, made possible by a generous grant from the Time Warner Foundation, will gather Middle and High School Students of color from all over the country during the Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend. The mission of this weekend is to provide networking and skills building opportunities to empower young people of color to organize and become engaged in safer schools work. The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network strives to assure that each member of every school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/ expression.
Throughout this weekend we will be providing students with an opportunity to: network with organizers across the country, create action plans for organizing in their communities and look at their work with an anti-oppression lens. The weekend will also provide an opportunity for students and adult allies to network with one another.
Each student, representing diverse communities and from different parts of the country, will arrive at the retreat with an idea for a project which would combine safe schools organizing and communities of color and/or students of color. By the end of the weekend, each student will leave with a plan, using the new information, networks and skill-building from the SOCO Retreat to make their projects come to life!
GLSEN will cover the transportation, lodging and meals throughout the entire weekend. Students will be selected based on their community involvement, safe schools work, organizing background and their commitment to social change. If you are – or know any High/ Middle school student who would like to be considered to attend the summit, please submit an application to us no later than November 19th, 2007.
A complete application must include – a letter of reference/recommendation from a teacher/mentor, a registration on, a completed application form with essays and availability during the weekend of January 18th – 21st, 2008. We have a limited number of spaces available, so please apply soon! You can also apply at!
For more information on GLSEN please go to

No Easy Answers: What’s New at WKCD

So much of teaching and learning falls outside the answer box.
What happens when street smarts enter the SAT? When we ask middle
school students to take intellectual risks? When teenagers meet up
with Web 2.0? When we wonder what the “Jena Six” can teach us? has some uneasy answers. Featured, too, are voices from
Burmese youth along the Burma-Thai border.
SAT Bronx: what we know that you don’t know
An upcoming book by a group of students and teachers at Bronx
Leadership Academy 2 brings educators new perspectives about the
culture of minority youth in urban schools. And students who read it
may realize just how much “insider knowledge” they have at their
fingertips. Here we present a sneak peek at one section of SAT
Bronx, which will be available from Next Generation Press in winter
Just another way to judge us?
In the crucial middle school years, what do students make of the
assessments they receive concerning their academic progress—from
teachers directly, or via standardized tests? What encourages them
to take the risks involved in real learning, and what holds them
back? Here, as part of our Voices in the Middle Grades Series, we
present students’ own words on what helps them grown into confident
Youth meets Web 2.0
Wikis, blogs, social networking, podcasts … welcome to what the
tech-savvy call “Web 2.0.” Who are its biggest users? Teens. “Teens
know that ordinary citizens can be publishers, movie makers,
artists, song creators, and storytellers,” writes researcher Mary
Madden. WKCD has compiled a list of resources for adults and youth
wanting to ride the Web 2.0 wave.
What can Jena teach us?
Most teachers believe their schools are free of ethnic or racial
bias, yet studies indicate that one in four students are victims of
racial or ethnic incidents during the course of the school year. A
growing movement of educators believes that a good education should
teach youth—particularly low-income youth and youth of color—to
understand and challenge the injustices their communities face.
CHECK OUT THESE STORIES-and all of the features, resources,
publications, and special collections at
TOO, OUR OTHER SITES–,,, Help us support the voices and vision of the
next generation. Spread the word.

Call for submissions: Convention on the Rights of the Child Online Art Exhibit

18 @ 18 Online Art Exhibit: Call to Action
The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is celebrating its 18th anniversary.
In 1989, world leaders decided that children needed a special convention
just for them because people under 18 years old (children) often need
special care and protection that adults do not. The leaders also wanted
to make sure that the world recognized that children have human rights too.
This fall, the Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC) is
celebrating its 18th Anniversary, and as part of the activities to
commemorate this historic event Voices of Youth wants to create an
online art exhibit with your submissions.
Choose one of the articles of the CRC and submit your artistic
interpretation of it. The piece should include a maximum of 300-word
explanation of how you perceive the CRC and how the article of your
choice has created an impact on you. Your art piece can be in the form
of a painting, collage or photo, so be creative!!!!
*Art Piece requirements:*
* If you are submitting an art piece by mail the size should not be
bigger than:
A4: 21.08cm x 29.72cm
* If you are submitting a digital art piece, it should not weigh
more than:
*Personal information:* please provide the following information when
you submit your entry:
1. Your full name
2. Age
3. Gender
4. Full address
5. Country
6. Telephone number, fax number and e-mail address (if available)
7. The 300-word explanation of how you perceive the CRC, and how the
article of your choice has created an impact on you.
8. A one sentence long agreement statement saying that you allow
UNICEF to use your piece for institutional purposes.
*Deadline:* Please send the design, with personal information, as soon as
possible, but no later than November 20, 2007. There are two ways you
can send your submissions:
* To our Voices of Youth Mailbox:

* To our UNICEF Office in NY:
UNICEF-Voices of Youth
3 UN Plaza
NY-NY 10017