Global Kids Educators Fellowship

Please consider applying for Global Kids Educators Fellowship. In addition to receiving 2K to use how you see fit, you’ll receive support from a group of like-minded activist-oriented teachers/youth workers who are also trying to implement positive change in
their schools, as well as participate in a dope retreat and hear from exciting people–both youth and adults–who have waged educational justice work we can learn from.
Please pass along to your folks and feel free to direct any questions to:
Molly Delano
Associate Director of Programs
Global Kids
137 East 25th St., 2nd floor
NY, NY 10010
(212)226-0130 x121
The application is due on Friday, November 16th. You can get more information and access the application on our website

AWAAM seeking facilitators in video, web publishing and radio production

Arab Women Active in the Arts and Media is seeking to partner with organizations or individuals for their weekend program for young women. They are seeking mentors to facilitate workshops in three areas: video, web publishing and radio production. Each mentor will work with three-four high-school aged young women on a tri-weekly production schedule. The program runs through May. Funding for mentors is possible, but not guaranteed. Please contact Mona at for more information.
About AWAAM:
AWAAM provides comprehensive leadership opportunities in community organizing, art and media skills to young women and girls. Our goal is to empower a generation of young women with the community organizing and media skills necessary to act as leaders within their communities, which have endured increasing hardship in recent years. As Arab and Muslim women, we endeavor to position ourselves as producers rather than objects, of the mass media. Our leadership/media programs are the seedbed from which our membership grows to take leadership, developing campaigns and programs in AWAAM and in the community at large.

Democracy 2.0 Declaration

Please help spread the word about the Democracy 2.0 Declaration — a statement created by hundreds of young people about what they want to see their democracy be and become — and encourage people to sign online, in order to ensure that as many voices as possible are included in the process as we continue to revisit and redraft what we hope to be a long-living document.
Sign our online petition at and lend your voice to the first draft of the Millennial Generation’s Democracy 2.0 Declaration, and for more information about Democracy 2.0 and the Party for the Presidency please visit

First Youth Camera Action Screening

Please join the Urban Youth Collaborative, the NYCLU, and the Student
Safety Coalition for the first NYCLU Youth Camera Action Screening.
Urban Youth Collaborative youth will facilitate a screening of three
short youth produced documentaries on the over-policing of New York City
schools and the School to Prison Pipeline. The evening will also include
performances, a community gallery, and homemade food.
What: Youth Camera Action screening
When: Monday, October 29th
5:30 – 7:30pm (screening begins at 6:00pm)
Where: Make the Road NY
301 Grove St (between Myrtle and Knickerbocker)
Brooklyn (Bushwick)
Chloe Dugger
Field Organizer, Police Accountability Project

REGISTER NOW: Blogging and Journalism, November 15

Blogging for Journalists & Writers
An evening workshop with Prof. SREE SREENIVASAN,
Columbia Journalism School and WNBC-TV’s tech reporter
Thursday, November 15. 6PM – 10PM Lecture Hall
An intensive, hands-on workshop about the myriad ways journalists and
writers can use blogs and other tools to improve traditional reporting and
storytelling. Attendees will also learn how to become bloggers themselves.
You are welcome to come with a blog idea and develop it that night – but
that’s not mandatory. We’ll look at ways in which you can build a wider
audience for your work and make money through blogging. We will also discuss
photoblogs, videoblogs, podcasting, Web 2.0 tools and whatever’s next. Also
featuring MEET A BLOGSTAR – a chance to learn from one of the world’s top
bloggers. This workshop is aimed at any media professionals who want to
master some of the most important web developments in recent years.
$110.00 for Journalism School alumni
$125.00 for others
TO REGISTER: Please send an email to
with your Full Name, Organization, address, phone number, and indicate what
event you are signing up for.
Space is limited and PAYMENT IS REQUIRED to guarantee registration.
At this time we can only accept checks and money orders.
Payable To: Columbia University
Memo Line: Website Workshop
Mail To: Kathleen Brow, c/o Columbia University – Journalism
2950 Broadway, 303 Journalism, New York, NY 10027

Call for Submissions: Hans Blix Launches “Students for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World”

“The reality is that any nuclear weapon, wherever located, and in any hands, is a special threat which we must seek to eliminate”. – Dr. Hans Blix.
On the occasion of United Nations Day, 24 October 2007, Dr. Hans Blix, President of the World Federation of United Nations Associations, is launching “Students for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World” to engage young people from diverse academic disciplines in the preparations for the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) 8th Review Conference, 2010 – the most important conference on global disarmament in coming years.
“Students, whether in school or on their own, can contribute to the NPT process by undertaking their own independent research and analysis of the case for nuclear disarmament”, says Dr. Blix.
“Students for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World” is a program of essay writing, video interviews, and poster design, on the theme of nuclear disarmament. The authors of the best submissions in all three categories will be invited to present their ideas at a conference at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, in the summer of 2008. Full airfare and accommodation costs will be covered.
An online forum has been created at where students are encouraged to logon and join Dr. Blix and other UN experts in posting their ideas for freeing the world of the threat of nuclear weapons. Information about how to participate will be available on this site. Additional resources can be found on the website ( for the Commission on the Weapons of Mass Destruction, which was chaired by Dr Blix.
This project is in partnership with the World Academy of Art and Science, an international association for exploring major concerns of humanity. Influential in founding this organization were Albert Einstein, Robert Oppenheimer, and Earl Bertrand Russell, who were deeply concerned about how the atom bomb and other scientific advances might be used – or misused.
Established in 1946, the World Federation of UN Associations -“A Peoples’ Movement for the UN”- has member UN Associations in over 100 countries around the world. Dr. Hans Blix was elected President at the 38th Plenary Assembly in November 2006, and will preside over the next Plenary Assembly to be hosted by the UNA-Republic of Korea in 2009.
Dr Blix commemorated UN Day in Toronto as a guest of honor of UNA-Canada.

Scholarship Opportunity: University of Wisconsin First Wave

As part of Urban Word NYC’s continuing relationship with the University of Wisconsin, we are seeking out high-achieving seniors, with a passion for the arts and writing, to apply for the chance to win a 4-year full ride to the dynamic First Wave program. Furthermore, the university is also offering considerable financial aid to NYC students who get in. Students who apply should have above a 3.1 GPA, and have an interest in poetry, hip-hop, and spoken word. Please check out this dynamic arts community for students ( ) We are trying to get all applications to the University of Wisconsin by NOV. 30.
If you know students that would benefit from this amazing opportunity, please email Erica Fabri (Creatively College Bound Coordinator) as soon as possible for more details: ( )

Global Kids: Power of Citizenry Leadership Program

Global Kids would like to invite students to join our city-wide Power of Citizenry leadership program which meets at our office in Manhattan every Friday at 4:00pm. This program provides young people with the opportunity to learn about world issues, gain leadership skills, and work towards promoting peace and human rights.
By joining Global Kids, students have opportunities for travel, college assistance, and meeting youth from all five boroughs and other parts of the world. Our programs take place at our offices located at 137 E. 25th Street on the 2nd floor (between Lexington and 3rd Avenue).
If you would like more information on Global Kids, call us at (212) 226-0130, email us at, or please visit our website at Thank you

Continue reading Global Kids: Power of Citizenry Leadership Program

Order Indykids for your public school library!

IndyKids has been added to the list of vendors that New York City public school librarians can order for their students.
*IndyKids* is a progressive newspaper for kids. We strive to provide
information about current issues that may not be seen in the mainstream
media. *IndyKids *covers the stories of oppressed and marginalized peoples
in NYC and around the world, while endeavoring to provide kids with the
tools to formulate their own opinions about the world around them. We
publish journalism that respects people, not political entities. Order
copies for your school today!
For more information visit our website at:
Contact: 212-592-0116
PO Box 1417, New York, NY 10276

US-Palestine Youth Solidarity Network Reportback

Beautiful young people, students, educators, youth organizers, and
media makers….please come out to PEP’s US-Palestine Youth Solidarity
Network Reportback
hosted at the lovely Manhattan Neighborhood Network

We want to share our work with you and figure out how to work together!
Save the date!
Open Studio at MNN:
US-Palestine Youth Solidarity Network Reportback
Friday, November 2, 2007 6- 8:30PM

6pm- DJs and food
7pm- YSN reportback from our work in Palestine this summer and demo
PEP workshop
Come experience media made by youth in Palestine and learn how to use
them in your work!

hip hop tracks
digital stories
rap videos
Hosted by PEP (Palestine/Israel Education Project)
**Being filmed live by MNN Youth Channel**
Address & directions:
Manhattan Neighborhood Network’s Open Studio- 1st Floor
537 West 59th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenue)
Take the 1/A/B/C/D train to 59th Street-Columbus Circle
*For more information about PEP, YSN, and MNN Youth Channel’s work, check out: & &