Join the team of the first European Youth Media Days

The European Youth Press, together with the European Parliament, is releasing a pilot project – the first European Youth Media Days. In June 2007, 400 young journalists from across the European continent will come together in Brussells to produce media together, discuss European issues, and network with one another.
Be part of the organisation team! Visit the website here.

Call for authors for

Do you want to write for a European website? Do you also want to develop the website, set topics and travel to European events to report about it? The European Commission and the European Youth Press are going to provide a website to the European youthweek, taking place in Brussels in June. The idea of the website is to inform young people and young policy makers with a journalistic approach about the structured dialogue and the various youth events which are linked to it and take place on the European, national, regional and local level. There is space to report about matters you and other young Europeans are interested in.
We are going to have a core group of editors, writing most content and also developing the website, with one or two editors from each EU-country. 30 Euros will be paid per article. Apply now for being a member of the core group. Send a curriculum vitae, a text sample and a short
letter of motivation to

World Children’s Festival

The National Mall, Washington DC
June 23-25, 2007 (10:30am to 5:00pm)
– showcase children’s creativity, imagination and talents
– give voice to children on issues and interests of common concern
– introduce children to the power of their collective creativity
– harness children’s imagination for positive social change
– promote the concept of “artist-athlete” as a symbol of healthy living
– demonstrate the benefits of integrating art, sport, science and technology
– build bonds of understanding and trust between American children and the world’s children
– provide creative leadership training and connect current and future leaders
More information go here.

Papal Message Urges Media to Protect Children from Harmful Programs

Media professionals, prior to offering violent or sexually explicit films, cartoons and video games as entertainment for children or teens, should ask themselves how young victims of abuse and exploitation would view such products, Pope Benedict XVI said to Cindy Wooden from the Catholic News Service. The pope has called on the media to “safeguard the common good, to uphold the truth, to protect individual human rights and promote respect for the needs of family.” The pope has suggested “Children and the Media: A Challenge for Education,” as the theme for the 2007 World Communications Day celebration. Read the story here.
YMR comments: What are the needs of family? Are all types of families considered (from the Pope’s quote)? Is media a challenge for education or is it education that needs to be challenged by youth-made media? Perhaps youth uphold the truth. Education, families, and other institutions need to support creative spaces for youth to express truth.

Educating Art Exhibit

Educating Art Exhibit opens Jan. 24th from 5-7pm
at NYU Steinhardt School – 34 Stuyvesant Street between 2nd and 3rd Ave &
8th and 10th streets (Just off of Astor Place) Commons Gallery, Barney Building
Educating Art is a collection of artwork from New York Youth and NYU Masters students that
reaffirms the importance of art in schools and speaks out against high stakes testing. Please invite youth, educators, and others who may be interested.
A gallery talk on this topic will also happen the first week of February.

Media Education Kit published by UNESCO

“Media Education: A Kit for Teachers, Students, Parents and Professionals” has been published in English and French by UNESCO. The kit is partly a product of the MENTOR project initiated by UNESCO and supported by the Europeon Commission. The kit proposes a prototype of media education curriculum and key concepts of media. You can download the pdf form of the kit here or email

Princeton University Summer Journalism Program

Princeton is offering a 10-day all-expenses-paid summer journalism program held in August 2-7, 2007 at Princeton University for students from under resourced financial backgrounds. Students live on campus, meet the president and dean, and are supported by alumni and students who attended the program in previous summers. All application materials, rules and regulations are available here. If you have any questions, email:

New Festival Highlights the Power of Hip-Hop Media, Expression & Evaluation

The Hip-Hop Association & Urban World NYC come together to form It’s All About M.E.E (Media, Expression & Evaluation), a festival to bring broader understanding of the power Hip-Hop has to educate and empower the community.
It’s All About M.E.E.(Media, Expression & Evaluation), is a 3-day multi-media celebration taking place from February 23-25, 2007 in NYC. To register for the festival of for more information go here.

4th Annual NYC Grassroots Media Conference: Media and Movements Beyond Borders

4th Annual NYC Grassroots Media Conference: Media and Movements Beyond Borders will occur on Saturday February 24th, 2007 at New School University 10 AM – 7 PM (65 Fifth Avenue at 13th Street). This year, the NYC Grassroots Media Conference seeks to ask: What are the common threads inherent in our global struggles for social change and how does the media contribute to our understanding of the root causes of injustices faced by world communities? Visit the conference home page here.